Customer Support
Customer Support
Allow our team of experienced professionals that experts at adapting to another company’s processes and help desk tools to quickly reference the resources needed to assist customers with support questions. Our agents use our in-house tech and resources that enable us to execute on a partner company’s existing processes with higher efficiency and ensure optimal ROI. Our multi-tier system allows you to determine the level of access afforded to and services provided by the team and the associated costs.
Inbound Customer Support
Our team of customer support agents will respond to your customers’ inbound requests. The customers would be provided with all the information they need about the company, product, or service you provide, in addition to all the promotions or additional relevant information. Moreover, our service will also cover your pre-sale, inbound sales and order taking, and order processing for you.
Technical and Help Desk Support
Our team at Concai is trained to give technical and help desk support tailored to your specific needs. Our experienced technical support specialists have worked with companies of all sizes from diverse industries from a dedicated office space well equipped to provide all the necessary operations.
Complaint Management
We believe customer satisfaction and quality assurance are two integral parts to keep your business thriving hence we make sure to focus on these two. We focus on customer loyalty by reducing complaints and customer dissatisfaction. Moreover, we focus on taking customer feedback for improved quality in service as well.